It starts with an enchantment...

"The eyes soak up the intense colors of women’s kangas flittering in the wind. As far as you can see, incredible hues of turquoise, azure, and emerald stretch out. The nose eagerly tries to trace unknown smells, and feet, free at last, dip into the whiteness of the sand and again into the ocean's azure. And the amazing taste of mangoes ripened in the sun...”

Beata Lewandowska-Kaftan

Zanzibar. An exotic name and an equally exotic island in every aspect.

Known as the Island of Spices, it is home to some of the most beautiful beaches in East Africa. Replete with a mixture of cultures and incredible history, this enchanting island offers white sandy beaches filled with palm trees swaying lazily in the ocean breeze — it is THE perfect, dreamlike scenery for the most important day of your life when you say YES to each other.

It is up to YOU to decide what you would like your dream wedding day to look like, and we will make those dreams come true. It will be an exceptional day, which you will remember and look back at forever. 

A simple ceremony for just the two of you or an elegant party with family and friends? 

A Masai dance show, beautiful exotic flower arrangements, or maybe a romantic wedding on a sandbank — a sandy island emerging from the ocean during low tide?

It is easier than you think!


You just need to send us the required documents four weeks before the planned wedding, and we will comprehensively take care of the organization.

Our professional and experienced team will ensure that all the details, starting with the ceremony and up to the official documentation, will be taken care of properly and professionally.


We’ll manage all the formalities and assist in completing the necessary documents. Our team will prepare stunning decorations tailored to your chosen package, provide transportation, and a Civil State official.

Additionally, we can arrange for a photographer, a makeup artist, and a hairstylist, as well as coordinate a beautiful wedding cake, music, reception, and any other elements you envision for your special day.


Moreover, we can comprehensively handle the organization of the entire trip: assisting with booking plane tickets, organizing sightseeing of the island, as well as planning an unforgettable honeymoon safari. Depending on the time and budget at your disposal, we will prepare an offer tailored to your needs and dreams.

All that remains is to pack your wedding rings and a wedding dress into your suitcase, and you are ready for a wedding in the most beautiful place on Earth!